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      Premium Quality Extra virgin olive oil against hypertension


      The combination of high content of oleic acid and small bioactive compounds, typical of extra virgin olive oil of excellence, can control blood pressure and thus protect the heart and kidneys. If blood pressure is too high, not only the heart and the cardiovascular system are at risk, but also many other organs.

      Hypertension is also a risk factor for chronic kidney disease and stroke. Almost one billion people in the world, around 26% of the adult population, suffered from hypertension since 2000. The condition is present in both industrialized countries (333 million) and developing countries (639 million).

      Hypertension is therefore a real pandemic that must be countered by the spread of healthy and active life patterns. There are also foods that, of course, help the blood pressure to stabilize and normalize, including the extra virgin olive oil of excellence, as evidenced by a research by the Istituto de la Grasa in Seville, published in the Current Vascular Pharmacology Journal.

      Sergio Lopez, the first author of the review, has analyzed the scientific data accumulated on this subject in more than a quarter of a century and these data show how extra virgin has antihypertensive effects. Why is extra virgin olive oil so healthy? According to the researchers, it is the unique combination of its fatty components with high oleic acid content and minor components such as hydrocarbons, phytosterols, triterpene compounds and phenolic compounds.

      It is this mix, oleic acid + minor compounds, to give the set of unique and peculiar bioactive properties of the extra virgin. Both oleic acid and minor compounds, in fact, affect factors associated with hypertension physiopathology, such as vascular contractility, and protect the heart and kidney function from loss of function, leading to a reduction in blood pressure.

      Iberian researchers point out that extra virgin is not a medicine or a miracle food, but its healthy power within the Mediterranean Diet is useful for a healthy and lasting life.

      from www.teatronaturale.it, July 27th 2016

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